Patents related to Better Implants for Arthroplasty (BIFA)
Functionally graded implants with Framework – Reinforced Concrete – A Global Loading Implant US 11,458,021 B2 (internal no. 7083)
Better Implants for Arthroplasty
October 4, 2022
Anisotripic Implants + Composite Matrix at Micro and Meso Scale Leves; All Prior Art Composite Implants are Macroscopically Constructed with Polymers. US 11,406,504 (internal no. 7065)
Mechanical Assembly Including Exterior Surface Preparation
August 9, 2022
Surface Structures; Monotonic Variations in Pitch with “Symmetrical Peak Angles” Favors Insertion of Implants. US 11,103,354 (internal no. 7063)
Mechanical Assembly Including Exterior Surface Preparation
August 31, 2021
Ribs and Planks; (Softer Longitudinally and Stiffer Radially); Variable Materials Properties Implant; A Functionally Composite Implant with Homogenous Material Which is Mechanically Heterogenous. US 10,864,083 (internal no.7027)
Implant evaluation in prosthesis installation
December 15, 2020
Graded Non-Homogenous Prosthesis; Avoid Stress Risers and Stress Shielding with Press Fit Implants; Tiger Not Leopard. US 10,299,930 (internal no. 7041)
Mechanical assembly including exterior surface preparation
May 28, 2019
(Divisional of 7083) Dissolvable Rods for External Fixation. Application Number 16/842,470, In Prosecution. (internal no. 7086)
(Allowed, issue soon)
In Prosecution
Villi Prosthesis (Bone Cuts and Implants Mated to be Perfectly Complementary to Each Other). No Compaction or Impaction of Bone; 1000% Increase in Surface Area; Works like “Natural Grout.” Application Number 15/278,668, In Prosecution. (internal no. 7069)
- Same Imaging Data to Create Bone Cuts and Implant
New Morse Taper Angularity is a Key to Constrain Head-Trunnion and Prevent Micromotion. Application Number 16/258,635, In Prosecution. (internal no. 7064)
Double Taper. Application Number 17/010,769, In Prosecution. (internal no. 7094)
Anisotropic Metal Rods for External Fixation of Long Bone Fractures. Gradation of Modulus of Elasticity in Metal Implants by Changing the Material Properties of a Monomeric Metal at Micro and Meso Scale Levels. In Prosecution. (internal no. 7073/CIP of 7047)
(Divisional of 7047) “Anisotropic Rods.” Application Number 16/588,416, In Prosecution. (internal no. 7079)
Divisional “Robotic and Programmable Rods” for External Fixation. (internal no. 7079)
Divisional Ultrasonic Rods for Fracture Healing. (internal no. 7079)
Biodegradable Rods for External Fixation. Application Number 16,588,991, In Prosecution. (internal no. 7080)